Friday, 4 December 2020



I've had my eye on an S2000 for quite a long time and even when I was ready to buy one a coupe of years ago, I chose to hold back again and opted for the PL-680 instead. And to be honest, I don't regret that decision because the PL-680 has been a fantastic radio - I just love it. It's been a joy to operate and to own - a little treasure.

But sometimes, you want something that little bit bigger - something with more accessible buttons and dials - something with a bit more heft - enter the Tecsun S2000!

My initial reason for not buying an S2000 was its size. In all the magazine and online reviews, it looked like a big ghetto blaster and it wasn't until I saw one in the flesh that I realised how compact they actually were. Sure, they're not tiny, but they are not as big as they look in photos.

For many people, the appearance of a radio is what initially catches one's eye. The S2000 is certainly a piece of eye-candy and that bulky, almost military style with chromed grab handles, big tuning dial and slightly retro signal meter really grabs your attention. But a pretty face isn't everything. This good lookin' gal has to perform as well!

You will hear  that the Tecsun S2000 is really a Grundig Satellit 750 and to be honest, that's no bad thing, but the Tecsun version actually has a little extra in the form of an IF-OUT (more on that later). In all other regards, the 2000 and 750 are identical. Needless to say, some will always make claims to the 'superiority' of the Grundig model, but the truth is, the only real difference is the badge! Anyway, Grundig went bankrupt years ago!

The other reason for me not buying an S2000 up to now, was the cost. Some people sell these things for a ridiculous price and it seems that some are foolish enough to pay it! I've even see them sell at £444 😮 even though the MRRP is closer to £300.

As I switched the radio on for the first time and played around with the dial in FM mode, my first impression was that this was a neat radio and one which was pretty well built. All the knobs felt tight and responsive. The dial was nice and smooth with just the right amount of resistance. Everything was very clearly labelled and I didn't have to pick up the manual - not even for storing frequencies in memory. Mind you, I do own another Tecsun.

On FM all the stations were pulled in with absolute ease and I noticed that the signal didn't really change when I switched from my external AOR SA-7000 to the built-in telescopic whip - so that's good! The only odd bit was when I tuned to ClassicFM - it was a cleaner signal through the telescopic whip than through the external antenna - and it wasn't a case of overload.

But FM is only a tiny part of my interest in this radio - my main interest is ShortWave and AirBand. Like the PL-680, the S2000 has AM, MW, LW, FM, LSB and USB modes, so there's not much it can't do. In the bottom right corner of the front panel it has a BFO dial which provides that all important fine tuning of SSB signals (bearing in mind that the lowest tuning  resolution is 1KHz via the big dial). One mode which is sadly absent is CW but the signals can be heard quite well using the Narrow bandwidth filter.

The radio is littered with nice features including two 50ohm BNC sockets for external antennas (one marked FM and the other marked SW). That's a fabulous and highly valued feature to me. Below those are a couple of snap-lock connectors for a high impedance SW antenna. Also in this cluster is a switch to swap from Internal/External antennas. Nice!

Antenna options don't end there though! On top of the radio is a rotatable AM antenna which works incredibly well. At first, it just looks to be part of the radio cabinet, but it soon becomes apparent that it can be rotated (either way) to find the best MW/LW signal. And there's more! Using the 3.5mm jack-plug in the center of the AM antenna, you can plug in an external antenna or even something like Tecsun's own AN100/200 LOOP antennas. 

The S2000 has other useful connectors including the usual stereo 3.5mm headphone jack, a 3.5mmstereo Line-In jack and a pair of RCA sockets for stereo Line Out. And then of course, there's that IF-OUT.

Although the Line In/Out connections make sense, I can't really understand the point of the IF output.To use it for a panadapter for example, you'd need to inject that signal into an SDR device such as the SDRPLAY RSP1A and a computer. Well if you had an RSP1A and a computer, there's not much point plugging the S2000 into the loop - the RSP1A would do a much better job anyway. I guess you could use it to connect to some sort of demodulator for DRM, but it just seems like too much faffing around to me.

So what's the receiver like? Well without posting lots of video examples (there's already loads on YouTube), I'd simply say that I'm quite happy with it. For comparisons, I connected it to the same antenna as used on my ICOM IC-7300 - it's an EFHW. Before comparing the two radios, I switched off the pre-amp, noise-blanker and noise reduction on the 7300.

Using a high quality antenna switch, I tuned both radios to LW/MW frequencies and switched between the two. I was pleasantly surprised at the lack of difference between them. Sure, the SDR technology inside the Icom did a better job than the Tecsun, but the latter was perfectly audible and on some stations, even better! 

The SSB performance test wasn't easy because at the time of testing, there were very few HAM stations on air. I managed to find one on 40M, 20M and 80M. Even though you can only tune in minimum steps of 1KHz, you can then turn to the BFO dial and fine tune the signal. It's not 100% perfect (as none of these radios are) but it's good enough. It's only when you're trying to hear very weak stations that frustration creeps in. Overall though, I think I'm going to be very satisfied with the S2000 when conditions are better. 

In fact, that's what I like about these portable radios - I can sit wherever I like such as a comfy couch in the lounge or conservatory, idly flicking through the bands and then when I find something that really interests me, I can go to the shack and pull out the big guns. It's great when you're tuning through and hear a Radio Ham who you've been chasing for months and hear him on your portable, allowing you to go work him/her on a transceiver.

The noise floor and general sensitivity of the S2000 is quite good and I don't really have any complaints. When I've read elsewhere that people have struggled with a radio (any radio), I've come to realise that something may work for someone in one location very well and not for someone else in a different location. It's the same with antennas - many people say that a G5RV is not very good and yet at my QTH, I find them to be quite effective and have worked the world with one at QRP levels.

Without doubt, this radio (and any other) will benefit from an Antenna Tuning Unit when using a long wire antenna. I found an old GLOBAL COUPLER AT-1000  which works a treat. They're cheap and worth every penny. As for MW/LW, the rotatable antenna on top of the radio is amazingly effective. I really was surprised by this.

The squelch is a little odd. It seems to quieten the background noise rather than provide a clear-cut threshold. Maybe I'm doing something wrong - I'll investigate more and update this post.

The S2000 has lots of memories for each band and it's incredibly easy to store stations that you've found - it's just a case of pressing the M button briefly, then choosing a location to store it and holding the M button for a couple of seconds.

The AirBand reception was pretty good through my AOR SA-7000 antenna but Manchester Airport's ATIS signal sounded a little weaker than I'm used to, so I need to look into that a little more. I might try putting my AirBand Filter inline and see if that makes a difference. I need to bear in mind though, that I normally listen to the Airband on a dedicated AirBand radio connected to a colinear mounted much higher up than the SA-7000. This is why you have to be careful not to make unfair comparisons. I'll update on this later.

The audio from the S2000 suits me perfectly well. It's great for Broadcast radio (especially FM) and it's good in other modes as long as you adjust the tone controls to suit the modulation and noise levels. No use moaning about muffled signals on SSB when you've got the tone settings all wrong.

Up to now I've only used the S2000 on internal battery power (4xD Cells). Apparently, the radio has quite a reputation for long battery life, so I'll keep it on DC until the cells expire, then try it on Mains via the supplied psu. It's worth pointing out that the centre-pin of the power supply is  ground which is not typical, so don't be plugging in any old 6V supply you have hanging around.

Construction and overall quality of the Tecsun S2000 is good.  It's tough, it's attractive and it seems to be well made. Sure, there's a little play to be felt in the large tuning dial, but I've witnessed similar levels of play in much more expensive radios! 

Although this is really a desktop radio, I'm quite looking forward to slinging it in the car in Spring and having a play outdoors, higher up than my home QTH. I reckon it'll be a lot of fun. I also think I'll come to love this radio like I do my PL-680.  In fact, I will try to do a side-by-side comparison of the two over the weekend and report back. I'll try my ELECRAFT AX-1 on it too!

Found this lovely pic on Facebook

ABOVE : Here’s a small sample of the Tecsun S2000 on SSB using an outdoor resonant antenna. This signal could hardly be copied with the internal antenna.

Thanks for visiting the blog.

Leave any comments below.

73, Tom, M7MCQ.


I managed to get hold of a Tecsun AN200 Loop antenna and tried it on both the S2000 and the PL-680. I have to tell you that it was DEFINITELY inferior to the radios internal ferrite bar! No doubt about it whatsoever! Don't waste your money if buying it to use with either of those two great radios.

I'll try the loop with some other (cheaper) transistor radios and see if it makes an improvement there, but it certainly doesn't improve reception on the S2000 or PL-680.

Thanks for visiting - please take a minute to leave a comment below 

73, Tom, M7MCQ.


Radiocollector said...

Hi Tom, a great run down on the s2000. One thing, the Grundig 750 is made by Tecsun as well, I think it was "badge engineered" for the US market. I enjoy using my S2000 as well. Well done.
Cheers from Australia... Phil VK2GJF

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi Phil, thanks for the visit. The Eton/Grundig 750 badged version ended production back in 2017 I think. They're all great though aren't they? All the best for Xmas 73, Tom.

Unknown said...

How long is the telescopic antenna

MadDogMcQ said...

How long? Not sure (I'm away from home right now). I reckon it's around a metre long but most of the time I only need it half way up - I live in a good reception area.

Bill G4CFP said...

Good review Tom, you have definitely done your homework

Bhatti said...

How can we purchase this Tecsun s2000 from Pakistan

MadDogMcQ said...

Thank you Bill. 73, Tom, M7MCQ

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi Bhatti, thanks for the visit. I'm really not sure how you would order one for a Pakistan delivery. Have you tried Amazon??

Thanks for visiting the blog.

Best wishes, Tom, M7MCQ.

Karl said...

I have been toying with this for years in the 70s l used to spend hours an hours on my CB radios, but with mobile phones they went out of fashion, l finally bit the bullet and ordered one, the AB will be good l live near an airport, but want to try the SW and find out what’s going on in the world, it sounds good quality l am looking forward to delivery will keep me occupied during dark winter nights.

Doug said...

Hi Bhatti,

I purchased mine from;

Gerardo Moochie said...

Can you comment on the "DRM 455/12kHz converter etc" output jack on the back of the radio? I have the Grundig equivalent and it does NOT have that facility. Is there a simple add on of that jack to the Grundig.

MadDogMcQ said...

Excellent Karl. I do hope you have lots of fun with it!

Thanks for visiting.

Kind regards, Tom, M7MCQ.

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi Gerardo,
I've not tried the IF-OUT but I'm guessing it would work fine with my SDRPLAY RSP1A. Unfortunately, I don't have it setup to the computer right now, but when I do, I'll give it a quick test.

Thanks for visiting.

Kind regards, Tom, M7MCQ.

Laurie said...

Hi there, will the S2000 take a dedicated Airband antenna? (It has a BNC on the end)
If so, where does it plug in?

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi Laurie, thanks for visiting my Blog - much appreciated!

Yes, you can connect ANY external antenna you like to the radio using the BNC connectors. Although I've got dedicated AirBand antennas, I found that the best one that worked for me at my location was a simple Discone! But if you wanted to take the radio outdoors and plug in a telescopic whip tuned for the airband, that's fine too.

73, Tom, M7MCQ.

Honey Beagle said...

I have one of these radios. The problem both is 38 inches.

Honey Beagle said...

Same here. That seeker has great customer service and is a fast shipper.

Unknown said...

After all these reviews I decided to get one of these receivers. Very impressed by looks etc, but not at all impressed by its perfomance. Being digital its very noisy, lots of spurious signals, reception on internal aerial beter than external at times. I checked this alongside my 1946 valved Hallicrafter it knocks spots off the Tecsun clearer speech and less noise, . The Tecsun is not worth the money.

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi 'Unknown'. Sorry to hear that! Mine's fine and I know plenty of people who enjoy theirs. I wonder if you got a faulty one? Very strange. Sure, they're no DX machines, but for their intended purpose I find them to be a great addition to the shack/home.

73, Tom, M7MCQ.

Unknown said...

Hi just read your review , from what I gather your near Manchester , I live about 18 miles away as the crow flys would this unit pick up a good reception from the airport at that distance. I would value your advice as l would like to buy this for my husband. Thankyou

Bert said...

Thanks, great review. I have one on the way to me now. Your review was very informative and confirmed my feeling that the S2000 is a great rafio.

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi there Unknown :-)
I live about the same distance from the airport and I can receive the Airport Tower chatter from here. But you need to know that it all depends on your exact location and how high or low you are in relation to the airport. I happen to be near Winter Hill which is relatively high up.

But don't forget, it's not just about picking up the airport transmissions, it's also about all the aircraft up above you in the skies - you will hear all of those.

A small antenna on the roof makes a MASSIVE difference by the way ;-)

Thanks for visiting. Tom, M7MCQ.

MadDogMcQ said...

Thanks for visiting Bert and dropping a comment in. Much appreciated.

Regards, Tom. M7MCQ.

Marc said...

Good afternoon Tom,

Greetings from South Holland (The Hague). I randomly encountered a couple of your reviews and they have been helpful in getting a feel for a potential buy of one of these radios.

Coming from a background of just loving to (re)build so called Philips Electronic Expert (EE) radio circuits of various kinds (in all their obvious simplicity they featured a staggering amount of differing radio types and wavelengths covered in their time) and later modifications to those circuits by other, more electronically savvy, users, I find it hard to justify shelling out for a "do it all, but not everything perfect" commercial radio as I fear it will inevitably disappoint now that radio is sadly on a decline and DAB+ and IP (internet) based radio is just about everywhere. I am struggling to decide for myself if a Air Band radio is really going to permit me to hear so much more than the simple airband circuit for Philips EE kits I have already copied from another amateur and which pulls in all analog air band transmsissions as well. It's that thing of ever diminishing returns. Yes, a proprietary airband world receiver will be more sensitive no doubt, but is it really worth at least 75 euros to 350 euros to hear it on a commercial radio instead of picking up at least 65 percent with a cheap ass bare bone electronics kit board ? And likewise with the long wave and short wave, is it really worthwhile to shell out big to be able to hear 3 long wave stations properly and hear far away short wave stations that you mostly can't understand from a language point of view in the middle of the night ? I guess I should conclude that I'm just too occasional a listener to justify this as yet another hobby (I have too many already...), but if I may ask you one question, to name one budget level radio that will enable reception oif as many bands as possible including air band and is not "deaf"to some of it's own (LW/MW) bands which is of course plain stupid, which one would you then personally advice me to get or hunt for ?

If you have the time, knowing you may not, I thank you in advance of course. Kind regards, Marc

MadDogMcQ said...

Greetings Marc and THANK YOU for visiting the Blog and valuing my opinion enough to write in with a question - I hope you've not wasted your time.

I fully appreciate what you're saying about the law of diminishing returns - that's the same with hi-fi, photography, etc, etc. I am, however, a mug for the "next model up" LOL.

In some things though, I thoroughly revel in the simple effectiveness of something like the (tr)uSDX which costs next to nothing, yet can do everything that a much more expensive transceiver can do.

Anyway, to answer your question, I would personally recommend the TECSUN PL-680.

They're a fabulous all-rounder in one neat (good looking) package. I paid £150 for mine but I've seen plenty on the used market for much less.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards,

Tom, M7MCQ.

PD0JBV said...

Thanks for this informative and honost review. It helped me ordering one. I love MW listening/DXing. In the evening hours i listen to Baltic Radio.

Blessings from the Netherlands,
PD0JBV Op: Bernard

MadDogMcQ said...

Hey, thanks for visiting the Blog Bernard! Much appreciated.

Hope you enjoy your new acquisition :-)

73, Tom, M7MCQ.

PD0JBV said...

Hi Tom. My version was dead on arrival. Weird, was able to change it for a Sangean ATS-909x2. Still love the form factor of the S-2000 more. Good listening is what counts and that's what i can do now.


MadDogMcQ said...

Oh, that was unfortunate Bernard! Glad you got sorted in the end. I've always fancied a Sangean but never had one (so far lol).

Thanks for your return visit and update

73, Tom, M7MCQ

Ruuger said...

Hi, great VLOG, given me a lot to read. So I have a question about the Tecsun S2000. Are you aware of any software available for it, for logging contacts? I have been searching the internet for the last few days and cannot find any at all. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Good read. I own a Tecsun S-2000 too. You've got the naming situation backwards though. The "Grundig Satellit 750" is actually a "Tecsun S-2000". Tecsun made this radio and released it China as the S-2000 in 2008 before the "Grundig Satellit 750" was released in North America. Tecsun made this radio for Grundig whom rebadged it as a "Grundig Satellit 750", and now it makes if for Eton. Eton bought the Grundig name in 2004 after Grundig went bankrupt. Grundig still exists but they no longer manufacture radios.

Anonymous said...

Hi, how is this not a DX machine ? Thanks

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi Anonymous!
In answer to your question "How is this not a DX machine?" I would say that you might want to bear in mind that I am a radio ham and use incredible receivers such as the magnificent Icom IC-7610 and such like.

This permits me to have an insight into what a 'proper' DX radio is. Yes, the 7610 costs 10X the price of the S2000, but it's 10X better (at least). So while the S2000 is a cracking radio for SWL's out there, and yes it will pick up strong stations across the globe, I could never call it a DX radio in the true sense of the word.

Thank you for popping by.

73, Tom.

Honey Beagle said...

I recently purchased a Eton Elite Renewed which is the same is regurbished. The first Elite muted out on certain bsnds. So the company i.purchased the radio was nice enough to send me another. The same exact priblem. Eventually gave up and was refunded.

I purchased since then the Tecsun S2000 from Anon. The 2000 plays much better and no problems.

Adam said...

Hi M7MCQ, I have really enjoyed reading your detailed and interesting review of this radio which I have had my eye on for ages and I just wanted to ask you if you have got round to using it on the 6 volt DC supply yet and if you have, have you noticed if it introduces a significant amount of noise as I am not too keen to be buying D batteries every few months! I have been listening with the Tecsun PL660 everyday for almost 15 years and it has been reliable and a joy to use. I have never used that on a DC supply just on AA batteries. 73 Adam M6RDP

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam, thanks for visiting the blog and for your kind comments. I’ve never tried the mains input because the D-Cell batteries just last FOREVER. I’m guessing that any noise introduced by an external supply will be the fault of the supply itself and so I’d only ever connect something that was of decent quality. If I remember to, I’ll try connecting something and update the post.

73,Tom, M7MCQ.

MadDogMcQ said...

Hi Adam, thanks for visiting the blog and for your kind comments. I’ve never tried the mains input because the D-Cell batteries just last FOREVER. I’m guessing that any noise introduced by an external supply will be the fault of the supply itself and so I’d only ever connect something that was of decent quality. If I remember to, I’ll try connecting something and update the post.

73,Tom, M7MCQ.

Owen said...

Adam I purchased the S2000 second hand just a couple of days ago, when I tested it works great and that was on batteries. The mains supply was not the original and more of a multi voltage with both polarity and cheap, as soon as plugged in it practically wipes the radio out. I have heard the Uk/European models are all supplied with the 6v negative polarity power supply and are also noisey. I managed to find a hack online where a guy modifies a standard charging USB cable to power the S2000. I did this myself and no noise at all when plugged into a 5v Amazon Firestick supply so all I can say is it must be well filtered..

Owen said...

Can we not tune 1725khz on European model

Gerardo Moochie said...

I have my mains connected to a 6 volt AGM battery connected to a charger. The battery seems to filter any noise that might be coming from the charger because I receive a clean signal. On the other hand, I have no doubt I could buy 10 years worth of C or D cell batteries for what my setup costs. I've already gone thru 2 dud, short life chargers.