Thursday 4 March 2021



Today I logged into my FT8DMC account and hit the Award Download button, only to find that I'd won 42 awards for my digital work. I didn't set out to win anything, but it's nice to get a little bit of recognition for what is sometimes hard work!

BUT HOLD ON - what about the haters?? Those amateurs who think there's no place for FT8 in the shack and it's little more than "two computers handshaking". Of course a lot of it's said in fun and is no more than banter between friends, but some Hams are quite vocal in their opposition. We all have opinions and we're all entitled to them.

Personally, I like a bit of FT8 from home and considering the very high noise levels in and around my QTH, I'd spend less time playing radio if digital wasn't available to me. In fact, there's many a time where I try voice and fail miserably due to noise or general band conditions. If digital wasn't available to me, then I'd probably switch off the radio and move to one of my other hobbies.

I’m convinced that some people believe FT8 operators switch on their radio and computer, then go down to the pub and come back hours later  to find 50 new contacts in the log. Well if that happens, I have no idea how!!

I find FT8 to be quite demanding and sometimes frustrating - even annoying. I often have to go to great efforts to complete an FT8 contact and sometimes need the patience of a saint. 

My friend Dave (G8LIY) transformed my success rate by giving me some tips - the best one being to jump on a contact just as he’s sent his 73 to someone else. Dave has bagged an incredible number of stations using 2.5W and a small indoor loop.  My own success has been achieved using between 2 and 10W on a variety of antennas, but mainly on a 66ft EFHW. 

FT8 also allowed me to make a significant contribution to my Radio Club’s Special Events such as the VICTORY IN EUROPE event where I bagged the Club’s Log 150 hard earned contacts.

In the spirit of experimentation and self-training, I get stuck into FT8 to see how far my 10W could go and how efficient (or not) my antennas are. And let's face it, there's no 59's in the digital world - just absolutely objective signal reports! I’ve come to enjoy an occasional bout of FT8 and I’m glad it’s available. 

As band conditions improve, I will undoubtedly reduce my digital efforts at home and focus more on phone. Until then, I'll carry on experimenting with whatever is available to a new operator.

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