Thursday 25 February 2021



Well, what a surprise! I was just playing with my ICOM IC-705 when I noticed the AirPod Pro's were sat beside the radio and despite having previously tried and failed to get them working with my other bluetooth-equipped radios, I thought I'd give them a go.

To my amazement (and delight) they paired up without a hitch and worked on both RX and TX! Here's a video of my call-out for a radio-check. A lovely gent called Brian (M7DRB) came back to me and provided me with a very pleasing report...

I have to spend a few minutes in the menus to sort out the VOX delay settings and the job's a good un. Alternatively, you can assign a new function to the VOX button - change it to PTT. Since someone asked me, I should point out that the AirPods work on both channels.

AND REGARDING THE AIRPOD PRO's, I'd just like to point out that the Noise-Cancelling is just SUPERB!!!!!! Fantastic for when you're in a noisy environment and want to do a bit of SWL 😊

Thanks for visiting - please take a minute to leave a comment below 

73, Tom, M7MCQ.


  1. Can't find the video... 🤔
    73 de OZ8Y

  2. Can't find the video... 🤔
    73 de OZ8Y

    1. Strange - I can see it on various devices. Try the link...

    2. Tom,
      What are the steps you used to pair the AirPod Pros? I've tried several times following the steps in the advanced manual but no luck.
      Jack W9JH

    3. Hey Jack, hope you're well. I can't remember doing anything other than the standard pairing technique and I certainly didn't read the manual!

      I'll have a look when I get home. Is your firmware up to date??

      73, Tom, M7MCQ.

  3. You have to put the AirPods into learning mode. I had no trouble getting the AirPods connected with my 705 however I find that the sound quality is not as good as my plug in headphones. Would be interested if any one else finds sound is not great using AirPods Pro.
    Vic, VE6VIC

  4. Tom, VicandBarb -- I got my Airpods Pro working fine with my IC-705. However, after putting the Airpods away in the case, turning off the IC-705, and walking away, I found that when I reconnected the Airpods later the audio level was much lower and now sounded distorted. It sounds like wired airbuds whose 1/8" audio jack is either dirty or not fully seated. The only "fix" that worked so far was to reset the IC-705 to factory settings, then re-pair the Airpods to the IC-705. That restored proper audio, but then the same thing happened again. Any suggestions? Is there something in the IC-705 that needs to be changed to prevent this from happening? -- Paul, N4FTD

  5. @Vic&Barb : I’ve never experienced that situation, so regrettably I’m unable to offer any help. Sorry :-(

    73, Tom, M7MCQ


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