Friday 3 January 2020



When I invested in the ELAD DUO-ART it was for a number of reasons and it was only the sum of these reasons that made me shell out for it....

  1. I fancied a PANADAPTER that would work with my ELAD FDM DUO and with my YAESU FT-818ND.
  2. I fancied an ATU that would work with my ELAD FDM DUO and with my YAESU FT-818ND.
  3. I fancied an AMP that would work with my ELAD FDM DUO and with my YAESU FT-818ND so that I'm future-proofed if I upgrade my licence.
The DUO-ART rather uniquely met all the criteria, so I got one. Connecting the DUO-ART to my FDM DUO was a breeze and it all worked very well (once I'd done the FDM DUO updates). Everything pretty much worked as expected, apart from a slight issue of "tuning noise" coming through the audio of the radio - something I'm still working on to resolve.

So with the FDM DUO interfacing properly, I went and got my YAESU FT-818ND from my rucksack and switched the DUO-ART to "FT-817 INTERFACE" mode.

Sadly, it ended there, because I could find no interface lead to go between the DUO-ART and the 818. That's because the DUO-ART doesn't come with such a lead and after contacting ELAD, I was told that no such interface lead exists! Now that seems a bit ridiculous to me.

I asked ELAD for a very simple diagram to show me exactly which pins in the 818's ACC connector to connect to the DUO-ART's RS-232 connector, but I got very little useful information. I have ordered a YAESU CT-62 Lead from ML&S which is an 8-PIN DIN to RS-232 but of course that won't give me a connection to the PTT-IN on the DUO-ART.

SO VERY ANNOYING! Why design an FT-817 INTERFACE and even build it into the menu system if you can't also provide an Interface Cable. Or even provide a simple guide how to make your own!

I've asked for help on a few forums but got nowhere so far. As a newbie (Foundation Licence holder) I could 'experiment' but I don't want to end up blowing up my amp or radio! I've asked a few "G0's" but had no joy there either. I even wrote to TechnoFix UK to see if I could PAY to have a lead made up but they weren't interested either.

If I can't get any help soon, I guess I'm going to HAVE TO have a go!

I've managed to make an interface cable myself.
See HERE to see how.

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