Monday 26 June 2023


OFCOM have recently announced a proposed update to the Amateur Radio Licensing Framework. What's brought this on I'm not too sure, but there's parts of it which effects Foundation License holders such as me.

The main change which FLs are focusing on is the proposed increase in permitted power levels. OFCOM are suggesting a move from 10W to 20W and I'm guessing that they won't find too much resistance to that proposal.

For me though, I couldn't really care less about the doubling of power - well not at HF anyway. I am perfectly happy with my 10W and do my utmost to use much less when able.

What I would like to see however is an increase at the VHF/UHF frequencies. Currently, my 10W limitation means that I cannot reach most repeaters in my region and I can only reach a limited number of local operators! This means that my activity on 2M and 70cm is virtually nil.  As a result, I find myself turning to internet-based solutions. And that can't be good for the hobby.

I believe that FL's should be allowed to use up to 25W on VHF/UHF. That would make a huge difference to my ability to use 2M and 70cm repeater network. 20W is quite a silly figure to propose, because the vast majority of radios from the big 3 manufacturers don't even have a 20W setting in the Power Menu, but they all have a 25W setting.

The next proposal which interested me personally was the decision to permit FLs to use equipment that they have built themselves. To me, that makes perfect sense because I've been building kits for years and it's a really important and interesting part of the hobby. Building a kit and then not being able to use it on-air is very annoying.


Experimentation and self education is surely what Amateur Radio is all about - and building and testing simple kits or projects is a fabulous way to improve your skills and knowledge.

There's also a proposal to allow FLs to give non-amateurs the opportunity to use their equipment under their supervision. Who better to promote Amateur Radio than a Foundation License operator whose still got a fire in his/her belly? I can think of many times where I could have got someone interested in the hobby, had I had the authority to let them actually get "hands on" under my supervision (and staying within the terms of my license). Well done OFCOM for proposing this change.

Next up is the proposal to allow FLs to use the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. Great idea! Look forward to it.

There are quite a few other proposed changes but they're the main one's for FLs. Don't forget to download your form and email back your response.

UPDATE : In response to a comment made by my DX-Friend VE9KK, I decided to add a little more to this post.

Last night I went to a nearby Radio Club and was surprised by the number of people who weren't even aware of this OFCOM Consultation. It indicates to me that many operators make little or no effort to stay abreast of legislation relating to their hobby.

One guy at the club was astounded to hear that he might have to swap his 2E0 callsign for an M8 callsign - in fact he said he'd refuse (as if he has a choice, lol).

During the conversations going around the tables, I learned that there were a lot of operators who routinely (and quite openly) run around 1000W ABOVE their legal limit - and I'm not just talking about Full License holders 😲

These operators were quite glib about it, waving off my protestations about working outside the terms and conditions of their license, but the same people chastise OFCOM for not Policing the bands when they have a local rogue-operator causing them issues.

73, Tom, M7MCQ.


  1. Good summation of the Foundation proposals. 25W makes perfect sense to me for all the reasons you mention above

    73 Ian

  2. Thanks Ian. I just hope that whatever their final decision is, they don’t spend a lifetime finalising it.

    73, Tom, M7MCQ.

  3. Good morning Tom, I read about these possible changes last week and thought it was a move in the right direction.

  4. Hi Mike, hope you're well.
    I went to the Radio Club last night and was staggered by how many people knew nothing about the consultation right here in the UK! So many people are out of touch and make zero effort to stay within the terms a conditions of their license.

    One guy said that he wasn't going to give up his 2E0 callsign LOL - he has no idea or understanding that he has no choice in the matter if the proposals go through.

    The conversation at the club revealed (quite openly) that people routinely use 1000W above their permitted power. It's like no one gives a damn!! But then these same people expect OFCOM to Police the bands and take action against those local (illegal) operators who cause them interference. Laughable!

    Take care.

    Tom, M7MCQ.


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