Tuesday 4 October 2022


Having seen on my QRZ page that I have 75 countries under my belt, I was a little disappointed to discover on my LOTW page that I only have 61 😥

It would appear that confirming contacts on QRZ does not necessarily mean that it's also a LOTW confirmation. I was just curious about getting the DXCC award for "mixed" modes and fully expected to see 75 countries under my LOTW belt.

It's obviously not a big deal - it's a small goal. But it's nevertheless discouraging to find that I need another 39 countries instead of 25. And obviously the ones I've got so far were the "easiest" ones.

It would really help (on QRZ and LOTW) if people could be bothered to confirm contacts. I know that logging is no longer compulsory, but even if you aren't bothered yourself, it's still nice to do it for the sake of those who might be chasing points/awards.

Apart from having to be lucky enough to make contact with a rare DXCC, it appears that you'll probably have to do it a number of times before you'll be lucky enough to find someone who confirms - a task made all the more difficult for a QRP operator. 

Ah well, onwards and upwards 😂


  1. Good morning Tom, you got me thinking and I just checked for VE9KK (as I have an account for VE3WDM as well) and I am the opposite of you. I have 78 confirmed with LOTW and only 46 on QRZ and I upload all logs to both. I did notice on QRZ that there is a large number of unconfirmed contacts. Also, this is just CW as I wanted to see just that mode and where I was at.

  2. Thanks for the visit Mike - hope you're all well. When I log a contact, I kinda expect the other operator to confirm but sadly it appears (for me at least) that only 40% do.

    Sometimes you go to log a contact and the operator hasn't even registered with QRZ and that's fine - I get that those people have no interest, but when the operator has an account, why not upload?

    If you make contact with someone and they are having a right old chinwag with you, you can understand that they're probably more interested in chatting than logging, but when you work one of these "59, 73" guys, it's reasonable to assume they're doing it for their log - and then they don't confirm!

    The one that annoys me the most is SPECIAL CALLSIGN operator. Everyone scrambles to work them and then they fail to confirm - or worse still - haven't even bothered to register their special callsign!!

    I'm getting so moany in my old age, LOL.

    73, Tom, M7MCQ.


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