Saturday 20 February 2021



I noticed some people on FaceBook claiming that conditions for FT8 were poor today, which surprised me because my experience was the opposite. Mind you, I was at it all day and I experienced my share of the usual frustrations.

Perhaps the most frustrating thing which seems to happen time after time is when you find a nice (and rare) gap in the waterfall and then some power-hungry operator comes over to answer your call and then stays on your frequency, staining it in a trail of blood red excess. 

Anyway, it just meant that I had to keep moving around a lot and sometimes changing band completely until they buggered off. I managed to get as far as 5,500km using 10W.

Also today, I uploaded my Log into the UltimateAAC program and I think I've managed to bag 23 FT8 AWARDS 😮

I clicked the 'apply' button, so we'll soon find out if I really have or not.

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