Tuesday 13 October 2020


QSL CARDS are great when they arrive through the letterbox and there's usually a space in the shack to pin them up, but when it comes to eQSL cards, there's often many more and you've got to decide where they go (assuming you even care).

Following in the path of PE4BAS, I started a BlogSpot page to store my eQSL cards and it's a great idea! I just created a new blog using my callsign (m7mcq.blogspot.com) and hey presto.

It soon dawned on me though, that posting each and every card was a bit of a bind and often not very rewarding when many of the cards were the same! This is because many operators just choose a common 'library' design and so it seems like you're forever coming across the same QSL card even though they are actually from different operators.

On the other hand, some people go to great lengths to make their cards interesting and unique - sometimes even changing them according to the season. I appreciate their efforts and I'm always very pleased to receive them.

I have now decided that I'm only going to collect the unique QSL cards and will leave the library cards in cyberspace.

Finally, when I've posted a batch of QSL CARDS onto the blog, I type the operator's callsign beneath each one for search purposes.


Please leave any comments below. 73!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea Tom. I like the QSL up in de corner left te most ;-). Ging to take a look at your QSL collection now....73, Bas


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