Tuesday 2 June 2020



NOTE: Since writing this post, I've sold my 991A because it seemed ridiculous that Yaesu's flagship Fusion radio couldn't connect directly to Wires-X and work as a node, even though a host of their more recent (and cheaper) radios can. It was further embarrassed by the FTM-300 which is DualBand with its twin receivers and can monitor ANY two bands including C4FM & C4FM!!

Since purchasing my lovely Yaesu FT-991A, I've really missed my Alinco DR-735E! The Alinco was a dual-band radio which allowed me to monitor both VHF and UHF at the same time. You could even cross-band with it! Sadly, the FT-991A is only single-receive so by default, I can only monitor one band at a time.

So I decided to delve into the memories and discovered that the 991A has 100 memories and more importantly, it has groups!

So I did a little programming using RT-Systems software and provided myself with a simple way of monitoring multiple frequencies. Here's the video for anyone interested...

Yaesu FT-991A Memories & Groups

The scan-speed is pretty damned slow in my opinion, but others may find it perfectly acceptable. If you're only scanning two or three frequencies then it's not much of an issue but when scanning a few dozen, you begin to notice.

To be honest, this is the first time I've even used scanning on a rig like this, but I'm glad I went to the trouble of sorting it out.

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