Friday 10 April 2020



Well it's been over a year now and no one ever told me that I have my very own QSL Manager, LOL.

I've been sending out paper QSL cards (along with eQSL cards) to various stations and have never received replies apart from the one from DX Engineering. And then I saw an article in the RSGB Magazine that QSL Cards were building up and operators needed to contact their QSL Manager to see if they need SAE (Stamped Addressed Envelopes) to get their QSL cards posted to them.

So I looked it up online and found that my QSL Manager is Roy Taylor, M0RRV, so I emailed him and he told me that I have 5 QSL cards waiting, so I sent him a few SAE's and today the cards arrived on my doorstep.

With that knowledge, I can add "BUREAU" to my QSL list on

I know it's my ignorance that made me miss out on this, but this is EXACTLY the sort of thing that should be mentioned in that booklet which the RSGB send out to Newbies.

Anyway, here's the LINK to the relevant page.



  1. Hello Tom, first of all your blog is absolutely not boring for experienced operators. I really like it, and if you need to know something you can always ask me. I didn't knew how bureau cards worked in your country. Here it is so different. If you want to have your bureau cards you can pick them up at the local VERON meeting almost every month (except now everything is cancelled). Nice to see you received the 10WCA card, I was PE10WCA last year, you can probabely find the call on that card. I've searched my logs for you but we didn't make any QSO (yet). You probabely worked one of the other 10WCA stations(s). Next month I will be PE75FREE. I hope to work you....73, Bas

  2. Thanks for your kind words Bas. The Bureau is only for RSGB Members but I guess most UK operators decide to join and therefore benefit from the QSL service. I just found it strange that no one ever mentioned it to me - not even my colleagues at the two Radio Clubs that I have joined :-)

    The PH10WCA contact was from last year when I was portable on "Winter Hill" near my home. The operator was called Lars de Laat.

    I do hope that we manage to make a contact one day soon my friend. Take care, 73, Tom.


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